Sunday 8 March 2009

Finding a Diet

As I'm sat scouring the Internet (and eating the chocolate left over from Valentine's Day) I'm wondering about the best way to lose weight.

There are so many diets: the Atkins, the Zone, even a cookie diet. Sounds good!

Then, randomly, my eyes set on one in particular; the Flat Belly Plan. According to its website ( you don't have to do any exercise (great!) and you can lose 15lb in 32 days (even better!).

Looking at the diet, however, it seems a bit extreme. Lunch consists of a slice of sandwich turkey, cherry tomatoes and cheese string. Also, there is a nasty sounding drink containing water, cucumber, ginger, mint and lemon.

This is, however, just a 4 day de-bloat. Sounds OK to do for such a short amount of time, and Daily Mail readers claimed to have lost 7lbs in this period. Fab.

Reading over what I can eat, I notice something vital missing. Something I can't live without.

Where is coffee?!

Feeling a little optimistic, call it a surge of will, I agree that this shall be my chosen diet for the next two weeks.

Will I survive? We shall just have to see.

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